“I’m So Bored”

Written on January 10, 2022
Movement and sensory experiences allow us to grow as an individual through problem solving, body awareness and creativity. Here are some great activities to get your child moving and ways to stay creative while the colder weather moves in!
Movement: Movement activities allow your child to get their energy out and move in a new way.
Make your own obstacle course
- Find supplies around the house! Use pillows, chairs, a tunnel, baskets, blankets, painters tape, etc.
- Add in some moves! Animal walks, hopping, walking backwards, jumping jacks, cross crawls, etc.
Tape pathways
- Use some painters tape and make a variety of paths on the floor (zig zag, straight line, boxes, etc.)
- Then have your child walk the path without losing their balance. OR have them push a toy car along the “road.”
Balloon tap
- Blow up some balloons and let your child have fun!
- Play keep it up, tap it back and forth, or even kick it!
Hide and seek
- Hide a certain amount of objects around the house- this can be toys, pictures with different symbols, a deck of cards, etc.
- Have your child scan the room to find the missing items!
Sensory Play: Sensory activities are also great for exploring new textures and being creative!
Snow dough
- Here is a link to the video and instructions!
- Supplies needed: Hair conditioner and cornstarch
- Once made, use cookie cutters, build a snowman, hide small items inside, etc.
Ice cube painting
- Use an ice cube tray and fill it with a mixture of water, koolaid or food coloring, then place a popsicle stick in each part and freeze it!
- Once frozen, use them to paint
Sensory bins
- Use a bin or even a ziploc bag to place various materials in. You can use:
- cooked spaghetti, sand, crinkle paper, water, beans, rice, Pluffle, etc.
- Hide some items within your chosen material and then find them! Examples of items:
- Legos, action figures, cars, dinosaurs, puzzle pieces, blocks, animal toys, etc.
Shaving cream
- Place shaving cream on a cookie tray with cars, legos, or any toy! And enjoy!
If your child has difficulty completing any of these gross motor tasks or tolerating any of these sensory related activities, schedule a free screen with BDI Playhouse Children’s Therapy through the office or the website at https://bdiplayhouse.com/free-screenings/.
Written By: Kiersten Robertson, MOT, OTR/L