Tag: AAC activities

AAC Winter Activities

Do you know what AAC is? It’s all the way someone communicates besides talking. AAC stands for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Augmentative means to add to someone’s speech. Alternative means to be used instead of verbal speech. AAC is used when individuals have trouble with speech and language skills. AAC can look like an iPad/tablet with an app and a voice or a picture board. Here at BDI, we have many AAC users! 

It’s so important to model on your child’s AAC device. This is the best way for them to learn about their device. Modeling requires a communication partner with SLP’s typically begin by modeling core words. Core words refers to words that are in an individual’s vocabulary that make up most of an individual’s daily communication. Core words help AAC users to express their basic wants and needs. Examples include: help, stop, more, want, in, on, up, open

The best way to model is to use the device while you’re talking. For example, you can model “help me” by pressing “HELP” on device (or pointing to HELP on a low tech device) at the same time you say “help me”. 

With winter here, here are a few activities that you can do with your child with some tips on how to incorporate AAC! 

Snowman craft 

Snowman AAC

Supplies: Paper plate, construction paper (black, orange, brown, red, child’s favorite color), scissors, glue, pen/pencil


Phrases to Incorporate

MORE“More glue”, “more paper”
WANT“Want glue”, “want paper”, “want black”, “want scissors”
HELP“Help me”, “help open”, “help cut”, “help glue”
ON“Put on”, “on top”, “on head”
OPEN“Open glue”

Sensory bin 

Sensory AAC

Supplies: Bucket, snow (real or fake!), shovel or scooper, bowls, cookie cutters, mini objects (i.e., snowflakes, christmas tree stickers, penguins, candycanes)


Phrases to Incorporate

MORE“More snow”, “More snowflakes”, “More scoop”
HELP“Help scoop”
ON“On top”, “Snow on”
IN“Put in”, “Go in”
GO“Ready, set, go”, “You go”, “I go”, “Go snow”
UP“Pick up”, “go up”

We hope you enjoyed these activities with your child!  We’d love to hear how it went.


Written by: Shannon Okland, M.S. CCC-SLP