The Importance of a Summer Routine

The Importance of a Summer Routine

When school ends your child’s daily routine doesn’t have to! Summer is the perfect time to remain consistent. For kids, having a routine in the summer is especially important. It helps provide stability, which is crucial for their development and well-being. Here are several ideas for a summer routine:

Encourage Healthy Habits: 

  • Continue establishing enough time for physical activity throughout your child’s day.
    • Play outside
    • Swim
    • Obstacle courses inside or out
    • Sports 
    • Bike Riding
  • Make sure your child is still going to bed at their regular time. 
    • Encourage your child to wake up and go to sleep around the same time each day

Encourage Creativity: 

  • Introduce new activities or hobbies to your child.
    • Gardening
    • Join a club or sports team
    • Play an instrument 
  • Allow time for your child to be bored during the summer. This allows your child to be creative and think of something new to do. 
  • Balance screen time and set limits for the amount of time your child spends on their iPad or watching television.

Educational Opportunities: 

  • Provide time for reading, STEM activities, visit museums, or engage in different art activities.

Make a Summer Bucket List:

  • This is the perfect idea for collecting ideas and putting them all together on one page. Have the whole family join to make it even more fun! 

By maintaining a routine, kids can enjoy their summer while staying healthy, active, and intellectually stimulated. This balance of structure and flexibility helps them make the most of their summer break. Our Occupational Therapy team can help you find the perfect modifications to your child’s routine to problem solve any tricky times during your day! Reach out to schedule a free screening for some tips! 

Written By: Kiersten Robertson, MOT, OTR/L

Prepare for Back-to-School with Occupational Therapy

Top 5 Tips to Prepare for Back-to-School from an Occupational Therapist

Top 5 Tips to Prepare for Back-to-School from an Occupational Therapist

As the summer draws to a close, it’s time to start thinking about heading back to school. For students, this transition can bring a mix of excitement and anxiety. Setting students up for success by helping them prepare for the challenges that lie ahead can make the transition go smoothly. Some things to start working on ahead of time are establishing routines, organizing workspaces and supplies, fine motor skills, social skills, and sensory supports. All of this preparation can feel overwhelming, but the occupational therapy team at BDI Playhouse can help you in any of these areas that you find to be tricky for your child. You can schedule a free screening with an occupational therapist just to brainstorm some tips that can help you prepare for back-to-school or to discuss how occupational therapy services might benefit your family.  

1. Establish a Routine: One of the most important aspects when you prepare for back-to-school is establishing a consistent routine. Over the summer break, sleeping schedules often become more relaxed, and days tend to be less structured. However, returning to school requires a regular sleep pattern and structured daily routines. Gradually adjust bedtimes and wake-up times to align with the school schedule, allowing the body to adapt to the changes. Establishing routines for meals, homework, and extracurricular activities will also help create a sense of predictability and reduce stress. Occupational therapists can help you develop these routines and can also provide help to make it easier for your child to follow their routine without assistance with tasks or a million pesky reminders from caregivers.

2. Organize and Prepare: Getting organized is crucial for a successful school year. Help your child set up an organized workspace, whether it’s a dedicated desk or a specific area for homework. Ensure necessary school supplies, textbooks, and materials are readily accessible. Organize backpacks or bags by creating designated compartments for different items. Teach your child how to use a planner or calendar to keep track of assignments, due dates, and extracurricular activities. By promoting organization skills, you can reduce anxiety and increase productivity. Occupational therapists can help identify the best way in which to organize materials to promote independence, modify supplies to best fit your child’s needs, and provide tools to help your child keep themselves on track. 

3. Fine-Tune Motor Skills: Fine motor skills play a significant role in various school activities, such as writing, using scissors, and manipulating small objects. They are also important for your child to be able to open their backpack, snack and lunch containers, and to complete other self care tasks during the school day without help from their teacher. Engage your child in activities that enhance fine motor skills, such as coloring, drawing, puzzles, and arts and crafts projects. Encourage hand strengthening exercises through play, such as squeezing stress balls or using play-doh or putty. These activities help improve dexterity, handwriting, and overall coordination, leading to better academic performance. During therapy sessions, occupational therapists help children to develop these skills through carefully selected and graded activities that provide a just-right-challenge for improving fine motor skills. An OT can also help you to identify some ways that you can modify activities in ways that either promote increased fine motor skills or that make a difficult task more accessible for your child. 

4. Foster Social Skills: Going back to school means interacting with peers, teachers, and other staff members. Social skills are crucial for building relationships and creating a positive school experience. Encourage your child to participate in social activities during the summer to help them practice communication, turn-taking, and problem-solving skills. Arrange playdates, join summer camps, or engage in team sports. Additionally, discuss and role-play social scenarios, teaching your child appropriate responses and behaviors. By fostering social skills, you can boost your child’s confidence and help them form meaningful connections at school. Occupational therapists commonly work with children to address these struggles and have so many great ideas for some strategies that you can try at home. 

5. Manage Sensory Needs: For children with sensory processing challenges, the school environment can be overwhelming. Take time to assess and manage your child’s sensory needs before the school year begins. Consult with an occupational therapist who can provide strategies and interventions to address specific sensory issues. Create a sensory toolkit containing items such as noise-canceling headphones, fidget tools, and stress balls, which can help your child self-regulate and stay focused in the classroom. Collaborate with teachers to create a sensory-friendly learning environment that accommodates your child’s needs. Interpreting your child’s sensory needs and identifying the best ways to support them can be tricky, occupational therapists can work with you to help meet your child’s sensory needs, create activities and routines to regulate their sensory systems, and discuss ways in which you can advocate for your child as they return to the school environment. 

Preparing for back to school involves more than just buying school supplies and new clothes. Focusing on establishing routines, organizing and promoting independence, fine-tuning motor skills, fostering social skills, and supporting sensory needs will help your child be their very best as they go back to school this Fall. By implementing these five tips, you can set your child up for success, ease the transition, and create a positive and productive school experience. The back-to-school period is an opportunity for growth, learning, and building resilience, and with the right preparation, your child can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally! Our team is ready to help you during any step of the way. You can schedule a free screening to discuss any road bumps you may have and we will be happy to talk about some specific strategies to try at home as you prepare for back-to-school!  

Written by: Kourtney Schultz, MOT, OTR/L

Wait, My Child Has an Occupation?

Childhood Occupations

When we typically think of the term occupation, we think of the word job. Yes, kids don’t have “jobs” but they do have activities that they engage in day to day. Children engage in meaningful tasks on a daily basis, like play, self-care, educational tasks, leisure activities, as well as things like chores, and many other activities too. In occupational therapy, we work on helping children perform their childhood occupations in the very way best that they can! 

We help children engage in these important occupations by viewing the task and analyzing the various components that facilitate engagement. For example, a child might have difficulty engaging in a seemingly simple task like brushing their teeth. However, from an occupational therapist point of view, we would break the task down and analyze the components of brushing their teeth. These components could consist of grasp, sequencing the steps, range of motion, tolerating the tooth paste or bristles of the toothbrush, attention, ability to motor plan, as well as many other skills required.

What Do Kids Do at Occupational Therapy?

Once the occupational task has been analyzed, the pediatric occupational therapist can work on those underlying skills to further facilitate engagement in that meaningful activity. During our session, yes you will see a toothbrush in your child’s hand to practice that self-care task. But you might also see us completing an obstacle course, pulling squigz from a vertical surface, or engaging in messy play. Working on those underlying skills through play further develops and facilitates progress towards their meaningful goals. 

So in short, yes your child has many occupations. And occupational therapy will further increase their independence and participation in those meaningful tasks if needed. If your child has difficulty engaging in their day to day childhood occupations, call the office at 708-478-1820 or click here to schedule a free 30 minute OT screening. 

Written By: Kiersten Robertson, MOT, OTR/L