Author: Kenny Schultz

BDI Playhouse 2024 Gift Guide

Finding the perfect holiday gift for kids can be a rewarding way to encourage fun and learning at the same time. There are many toys that help build important developmental skills while keeping playtime engaging. From games that improve fine motor and gross motor skills to play sets that encourage language and social interaction, these thoughtfully chosen gifts support occupational, physical, and speech therapy goals in creative, enjoyable ways. In BDI Playhouse’s 2024 Gift Guide, our therapists rounded up some of the best toys to inspire joyful growth in kids of all abilities. Click each heading within our gift guide for links to buy online!

Occupational Therapy Gifts

Mini Lite-Brite

Pix Brix

Physical Therapy Gift Guide

Bean bags

Yoga Ball


Foam Blocks or Play Couch


Balance Beam

Balance Stones

Speech Therapy Gifts

Marble Run

Pop the Pig

Critter Clinic

Tickets for an Experience: Zoo & Aquarium

Whether you’re looking to boost fine motor skills, encourage movement, or foster language development, these toys offer endless possibilities for growth through play. With options that blend fun and therapy, kids can enjoy every moment while building essential skills. Choose a gift that makes a lasting impact—and brings joy long after the holidays! Find more recommendations from our therapy team here as well!

More Recommended Products

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Written By:

Kourtney Schultz, OTR/L

Kiersten Robertson, OTR/L

Rebecca Brennan, OTR/L

Cassidy Bannon, DPT

Dana Bukala, PTA

Courtney Rogers, CCC, SLP

Craniosacral Therapy: Does Dura Mater?

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on approach that may be helpful for children with certain issues, even if traditional treatments haven’t fully worked. So how does craniosacral therapy work? Here’s a simple way to understand it:

Dura mater consists of 3 layers of tissue that surround the brain, spinal cord, and nerve roots as they exit the central nervous system. It acts as a barrier to keep the brain and spinal cord safe and holds the fluid (called cerebrospinal fluid) that allows for lubrication and movement. Additionally, many blood vessels that supply the brain pass through these layers. If there are any tight areas or restrictions in these tissues, it can interfere with the brain’s ability to clear out waste, which can lead to dysfunction.

Craniosacral therapy (CST) leverages the surrounding tissue to help improve the movement of the dura mater. A skilled therapist, who is trained in CST, can find a restriction and restore mobility of these tissues.  Whenever other treatments fail, treating the Dura Mater may improve any residual symptoms that exist due to nervous tissue restrictions.

BDI Playhouse has Physical Therapists trained in CST. With a strong background in pediatric physical therapy, they are able to incorporate active movement following CST techniques. This allows the body to use the new motor patterns immediately after treatment. They are trained in movement analysis and are able to help families work towards functional outcomes. Home programs are also developed to further their gross motor skills.

Interested in finding out if CST would benefit your child? Contact us to schedule a free screening here or call our office at (708) 478-1820

Learn more about CST at BDI Playhouse here.


Written by: Lisa Wood, DPT

What are Primitive Reflexes?

What are Primitive Reflexes? How can they affect my child?

Each child is born with a set of critical reflexes that are integral to survival. A primitive reflex is an action that is performed as a response to a stimulus without conscious thought. For example: when you brush the side of your newborn’s cheek the baby will turn his head to root for food. This is the rooting reflex. Typically the reflex integrates or fades away as the neurological system matures. When a reflex does not integrate the child may demonstrate behavior and personality traits that correlate with that reflex. Through specific exercises the child gains more control of their body and no longer relies on primitive movement patterns. This ultimately improves the child’s physical and emotional control.

Symptoms of Retained Reflexes:

  • Anxiety
  • Toe walking    
  • Speech Issues
  • Poor gross motor coordination
  • Sensory concerns    
  • Clumsy
  • Poor fine motor coordination
  • Bed wetting    
  • Poor eye hand coordination
  • Motion sickness
  • Unable to sit still    
  • Picky eating


What are the causes or retained reflexes?

  • Developmental delay
  • C-section birth
  • Premature birth
  • Stroke in utero
  • Exposure to toxins       
  • Trauma during and/or after birth
  • Autism
  • Neurodivergent
  • These are just a few of the potential causes that may prevent reflexes from fading away


What can we do about it?

Specific exercises can be done to help those primitive reflexes fade away. Contact an Occupational Therapist or Physical Therapist who can help assess which primitive reflexes are present and give you some ideas to help your child. With professional guidance, you can implement strategies and exercises tailored to your child’s needs, aiding in their physical and emotional development.


Understanding and addressing retained reflexes can significantly impact your child’s growth and well-being. If you notice any of the symptoms listed, consider consulting a specialist to provide the support your child needs to thrive. Please contact BDI playhouse for a free screen at (708)478-1820 or


Written By: Jessica Frederick, COTA/L

The Importance of a Summer Routine

The Importance of a Summer Routine

When school ends your child’s daily routine doesn’t have to! Summer is the perfect time to remain consistent. For kids, having a routine in the summer is especially important. It helps provide stability, which is crucial for their development and well-being. Here are several ideas for a summer routine:

Encourage Healthy Habits: 

  • Continue establishing enough time for physical activity throughout your child’s day.
    • Play outside
    • Swim
    • Obstacle courses inside or out
    • Sports 
    • Bike Riding
  • Make sure your child is still going to bed at their regular time. 
    • Encourage your child to wake up and go to sleep around the same time each day

Encourage Creativity: 

  • Introduce new activities or hobbies to your child.
    • Gardening
    • Join a club or sports team
    • Play an instrument 
  • Allow time for your child to be bored during the summer. This allows your child to be creative and think of something new to do. 
  • Balance screen time and set limits for the amount of time your child spends on their iPad or watching television.

Educational Opportunities: 

  • Provide time for reading, STEM activities, visit museums, or engage in different art activities.

Make a Summer Bucket List:

  • This is the perfect idea for collecting ideas and putting them all together on one page. Have the whole family join to make it even more fun! 

By maintaining a routine, kids can enjoy their summer while staying healthy, active, and intellectually stimulated. This balance of structure and flexibility helps them make the most of their summer break. Our Occupational Therapy team can help you find the perfect modifications to your child’s routine to problem solve any tricky times during your day! Reach out to schedule a free screening for some tips! 

Written By: Kiersten Robertson, MOT, OTR/L

The ABC’s of Toileting Readiness for Kindergarten!

The ABC’s of Toileting Readiness for Kindergarten!

Kindergarten is a time filled with excitement and anticipation, but also marked by apprehension and changes in routine. Amidst this whirlwind of new experiences, one aspect that often proves challenging is toileting readiness. Feeling apprehensive about your kindergartener’s bathroom autonomy at school is entirely natural. Mastering the skills required can be daunting, especially for those encountering hurdles along the way. Achieving toileting success in kindergarten is a milestone for both children and their caregivers.

Here are some factors that contribute to kindergarten toileting success:

  • Awareness of bodily functions: This is called interoception, an important part of our sensory system. It allows your child to recognize when they need to use the bathroom, whether it’s for urination or bowel movements.
  • Communication with caregivers: The ability for your child to signal when they need to use the toilet and when they’ve had accidents.
  • Comfort with the bathroom environment: Being at ease with the sights, sounds, and smells of the bathroom is essential for successful toileting.
  • Understands toileting sequence: Knowing the steps involved in using the toilet, from undressing, sitting or standing, wiping, dressing, and washing hands with minimal assistance.
  • Independence on child-size toilet: Being able to get on and off the toilet seat without help and maintaining balance for a few minutes.
  • Comfort using bathrooms outside home: Transitioning to using toilets in unfamiliar settings, like at school.
  • Self-care skills: Pulling up and down pants and underwear and attempting to wipe independently with minimal assistance.

It’s helpful to remember that toileting success is a developmental milestone, and every child progresses at their own pace. While some children may quickly adapt to kindergarten toileting routines, others may require additional time and support. 

If your child needs extra assistance to prepare for kindergarten success, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our experienced therapists specialize in addressing toileting challenges, including avoidance, withholding, constipation management, and daytime and nighttime incontinence. With personalized interventions and compassionate support, we’re here to help your child navigate this important milestone with confidence. 

Written By: Andrea Turnell, DPT and Dana Bukala, PTA


Torticollis is a condition most commonly diagnosed in infancy in which the baby’s head is consistently tilted or turned to one direction. It is often present beginning at birth, but is typically noticed at 1-2 months of age as the baby’s head control improves. The most common cause is tightness in the neck muscles due to a variety of potential factors. 

Torticollis risk factors:

  • Positioning in utero
  • Delivery in breech position or use of forceps for delivery 
  • Multiples birth (twins, triplets, etc.) 
  • Reflux (GERD)
  • Vision concerns
  • Genetic factors and syndromes 

Signs of torticollis:

  • Baby or child consistently tilts head towards one side in most positions
  • Baby or child consistently turns head (rotates) or looks in one direction  
  • Baby has difficulty bottle feeding or breastfeeding on one side noted
  • Baby has a flat spot on the head
  • Baby has asymmetries in the head and facial region

Torticollis can be treated by a pediatric physical therapist (PT). Your PT will work with you and your baby to create an individualized plan of care including stretching and strengthening activities for your baby’s neck and trunk. Improvements in strength and head position are typically noted within the first few months of physical therapy with a good prognosis to completely resolve the torticollis, especially if treated early. If left untreated, torticollis can impact the following areas of development: rolling, sitting, pulling to stand, crawling, standing, walking, balance, vision, bottle feeding and breastfeeding, and eating. 

Conditions associated with torticollis:

It is never too early to intervene and to treat torticollis. Schedule a free screening with a physical therapist at BDI Playhouse if you have any questions about your baby’s head position or head shape. So worry not, our BDI Playhouse therapists are experts in this area and we are waiting to answer any questions you may have! 

Written by: Cassidy Bannon, PT, DPT

How Does Vision Affect Behavior?

How Does Vision Affect Behavior?

Vision plays a pivotal role in shaping our behavior, influencing how we interact with and respond to the world around us. With approximately 80% of sensory input being visual, our perception of the environment profoundly impacts our actions and reactions.


There are two types of visual pathways focal and ambient:

  • Focal visionvisual attention to the “what”; central vision; focus on an object of interest; creates visual perception; requires efficient eye teaming (clear focus on image with both eyes simultaneously); active/conscious skill 
  • Ambient vision: visual attention to the “where”; peripheral fields; creates spatial map of where our body is in relation to objects in our environment; assists with creating stability; inactive/unconscious skill

Perception leads to > prediction leads to > brain function: fight, flight, freeze or rest and digest response: 

  • Perception: the active process of bringing meaning to an object; creates prediction for motor responses
  • Prediction: expectation of events not yet to come 
  • Fight, Flight, Freeze: The body’s stress/fear response
  • Rest and Digest: The body’s calm/resting state

If there are deficits in visual function, deficits in visual perception occur which can lead to unpredictability and emotional instability 

  • Children with developmental delays are commonly found to have deficits in visual function 
  • Developmental obstacles disrupt critical voluntary and reflexive muscle responses and mental processes which impact behavior 
  • When the brain perceives danger, fight or flight responses are activated 


What Can We Do to Help?

An Occupational Therapist can:

  • Provide analysis on vision, somatosensory and vestibular (sensory) function
  • Create multi-sensory interventions to rewire and fire neural responses 
  • Identify specific deficits and implement a treatment plan and suggestions for home
  • Educate children and families on calming strategies to de-escalate aversive behaviors 
  • Facilitate fine/visual motor activities such as building with blocks, stringing beads, blowing bubbles, hitting a balloon, and more!

Written By: Jamie Blough, COTA

Singing for Speech – Benefits of Singing for Language Development

At any given moment when walking through BDI Playhouse, you may hear a therapist or child singing! Singing is great for both engaging with the child and improving language development! Here are a few benefits of singing for language development. 


  • Singing exposes children to lots of vocabulary! Lyrics often contain a wide range of words and phrases that may not be commonly used in everyday conversation. More exposure to vocabulary can improve expressive language skills. 


  • Singing requires clear articulation and pronunciation to match the rhythm and melody of a song. Practicing songs can help individuals work on their speech sounds. Add in target sounds your child is working on and you get lots of repetition! 

Memory and Recall

  • Melodies and lyrics are easier to remember than spoken words alone. Try singing directions or modeling language to familiar tunes to improve language retention. 

Social Interaction

  • Singing can be a social activity, whether in a choir, “mommy and me” classes, or as a family bonding experience. Social interaction is an important part of language development!

Attention and Focus:

  • Singing requires concentration and attention to the lyrics, melody, and rhythm. This helps children develop their ability to focus, a skill that can benefit other areas of language and communication.

Auditory Discrimination:

  • Singing encourages individuals to pay attention to many different sounds helping to improve auditory discrimination, which can help in recognizing speech sounds. 

Check out your local library or park district to see if there’s a music class available for you and your child! Check in with school to see if choir is an option at their age. Speak with an Speech Language Pathologist about ways to incorporate singing into your daily routines. You can schedule a free 30-minute screening here!


Written By: Shannon Okland, M.S., CCC-SLP 

Therapy Activities for Holiday Break

Therapy Activities for Holiday Break

Stuck at home with the kids during these Holiday weeks and looking for some entertainment ideas or ways to continue to progress their skills during all this down time? Look no further! Here are some therapy activities for holiday break!

  • Let the kids wrap up a small gift for their sibling. There are a few tips to make the unwrapping process by your child easier and more fun for everyone in our Gift Wrapping blog. 
  • Have your child remove tape from the dispenser, while you do the wrapping. 
  • Provide a line visual (can be a bit further than what you actually need to wrap) and have your child be the paper cutter. You can clean up the line later when the child is not around if need be.
  • Do the wrapping but show the child where you want them to place the tape pieces.
  • Have the child create their own ornaments for the tree with paper, hole puncher, and string/ ribbon to hang it.
  • Cut out a paper tree for the wall and have the child focus their attention towards decorating it. Include cutting string and taping it to the tree, making ornaments from paper to work on shape cutting, incorporating coloring, gluing, and stickers into decorating for some fine motor work. 
  • Set up a card making station for your child to create cards for presents to hand to teachers, grandparents, place on Secret Santa gift, etc. This is great to target folding paper, coloring, writing, adding stickers or working on gluing.
  • Have your child be the cookie cutter presser.
  • Require the child to utilize their thumb and pointer finger to lightly place sprinkles onto the cookies.
  • Make a scavenger hunt where the children have to listen to clues and search the house for tiny gifts.
  • Play freeze dance with Holiday music
  • Have your child make their own version of Elf On The Shelf by drawing, coloring, cutting and require them to hide it before they go to bed every night. In the morning, the parents have to find the kid’s hidden elf.

Try to allow your child full creative control on some of these open ended craft activities. This will give you time to focus your attention on other Holiday activities! Still looking for more ideas? Read our winter movement blog for more! Looking to get out into the community? Here are some fun ideas in the Chicago area.

If you notice your child having trouble with some of the fine motor or auditory processing skills listed in the above activities, don’t hesitate to reach out to BDI Playhouse Children’s Therapy. We offer free screenings in Orland Park, IL and Aurora, IL.

Rebecca Brennan, OTR/L

Holiday Picky Eating

Navigating Picky Eating Around the Holidays

Navigating the Holidays with a Picky Eater

The holidays can be a special time for family, traditions, and some of our favorite foods.  It can be challenging (and stressful!) going to a family member’s house, knowing that your child will not eat any of the foods.  It can be an anxious time for a child that knows they will be asked to try new foods.  We understand that holiday picky eating can take a toll on the whole family and we want to help. We will share some tips to help your picky eater (and you) have a positive and enjoyable holiday meal! 


Include your child in the preparation

We want kids to have as many positive exposures to new foods as possible.  The more a child can interact with a food without necessarily eating it, the less scary it becomes.  Have your child wash vegetables, mix, pour, etc. to allow for more exposure to novel foods.


 Have preferred foods available

Bring a dish or two to share that your child enjoys.  This allows your child to feel included in the meal while making sure there is something for them to eat.  Your child can pick the amount of each food they want on their plate to encourage autonomy and allow exploration without creating pressure and anxiety around the meal.


Keep the environment fun and positive for your child

Keep the pressure extremely low to try new foods.  Encourage your child to put what they want on their plate. It is not uncommon for kids to not eat a large meal on the holidays because of the atmosphere and commotion the holiday brings.  Not sure what to say to your aunt that insists your child try their dish?  We have a blog post for that!


Interact with food without eating it

Try touching, smelling, licking, pulling apart new foods to allow for a positive interaction with food without pressure to eat it.  Being silly helps!  


Model trying new foods

Discuss foods that are your favorite in neutral terms (e.g., “I like this! It’s sweet! That one is crunchy”) Use descriptive language like hot, cold, salty, spicy, sweet, crunchy, etc. instead of words like good, bad, yummy, yucky, etc.  If a food is not your favorite, model trying a small taste and use language similar to “I am still learning about this food” to encourage your child to continue to try new foods.


If you feel like your child has difficulty at mealtimes, please reach out to us to schedule a free 30 minute screening at our Aurora or Orland Park clinic here to seee how we can help. You can learn more about our feeding therapy services here


Molly Rademacher, MA, CCC-SLP/L