Parent Resources

Welcome to our resources page!

We hope you find this information helpful. Call us anytime for a free consultation or screening, or just to ask a few questions about the information you find here! Our office locations are located in Orland Park and Aurora – Naperville, IL.

Parent Support Groups

You are not alone! There are MANY parents who are guiding their child through challenges and they would love to link arms with you!

BDI is not formally affiliated with these groups, but we are happy to share this information for consideration.

Growth Milestones

Learn how to identify the important milestones your child should reach as they grow!

Beyond Behavior Blues Presentation Slides

Do you ever wonder why a child is acting out? Behaviors in children have a purpose and function that cause them to occur and keep occurring. The function can include communication breakdown, attention, seeking an item, escape, and behaviors that are automatically reinforcing for the child. This presentation is offered to parents or professionals who are interesting in learning more about the possible functions of behavior and how to choose effective strategies and measure their effectiveness. Strategies to address the behavior and prevent it from happening in the future are also shared.

Other Trusted Professionals

Therapists at BDI Playhouse value collaboration with all individuals who are part of the child’s support team.

The professionals listed have been utilized by many of our patients and have reported positive experiences. BDI is not in legal partnership with any of these organizations, but would like to make you aware of their services. 

Grant Information

There are many great organizations who have generously provided financial support to our families in need.

BDI is not formally affiliated with these groups, but we are happy to share this information for consideration or potential application. 

Bike Riding

This could be the year! Is your child ready to ride?

Riding a bike is an important milestone for any child! It fosters a sense of pride, self assurance, and independence like no other skill and provides a thrill that every child should be able to experience.

Toe Walking

Toe Walking occurs when kids walk on their tiptoes. It can be normal for a new walker to begin toe walking. However, as the child’s walking matures, they should not be toe walking.

If toe walking occurs past the age of two, please consult with one of our Occupational or Physical Therapists.

Read on to find out why toe walking is a big deal!

Foot Pronation

What is Pronation? Think of your foot as being the foundation of your house. Flaws in the foundation can cause damage to the rest of the structure. Pronation is when the middle of the foot collapses inward. This is sometimes referred to as “low arches” or “flat feet”.

Read on to learn more about improper foot alignment and what can be done about it!

School and Private Intervention

Two very different approaches working together for the best possible outcome! Read this to learn more about the differences between the two!

Tummy Time

Have you thought about how you’re positioning your baby when they sit, lay down & play? Learn how to posture your baby to optimally support their development!

Food Reactions

A food reaction involves any bodily reaction to food ingested. Food reactions are typically classified as food allergies, food sensitivities, and food intolerances. It is important to distinguish the difference between food allergies, food sensitivities, and food intolerances when working with our pediatric feeding clients.

Have any questions? We have answers!