Workshops for Intervention Providers

2022 Workshops for Providers

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  • workshops 2

Standing to Walking: The Benefits of Orthotics


Friday, April 21 at


Noon-1:00 pm


This course was designed to educate Developmental therapists about the implications of early vs late treatment for postural and gait abnormalities.  The course will discuss the myths and importance of orthotic management of postural deviations. In addition, this course will help therapists better understand why it is necessary to address toe walking and hypotonia through better alignment.

Cost: $15

Vision Techniques for Eye Movement Disorders Associated with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia & Other Neurological Disorders

Workshop Full: Please email to join our waitlist.

April 29, 2022 8am-4pm (check begins at 7:30am)


Course Location: BDI Playhouse 600 N Commons Dr Suite 102 Aurora, IL 60504

Do you work with children with ADHD, dysgraphia, dyslexia, letter reversals and reading problems that do not respond to typical treatments? Are you frustrated by a lack of progress in children who exhibit poor: • reading skills • handwriting • posture • visual motor integration • ball handling skills • visual processing and visual perceptual skills? Do you know a child that cannot catch a ball and frequently trips? What about the child with autism that studies small objects in the peripheral? Or a low tone child that struggles with handwriting? These problems may be related to an eye movement or near vision focusing difficulties. Attend this workshop and learn to find the root of these problems by learning to assess eye movements and near vision. You will learn evidence-based techniques to improve vision that integrate the visual, vestibular and proprioceptive systems using interventions developed by an occupational therapist that will get results. Thorough video demonstrations and case studies you will learn treatment techniques, including: DIY and high-tech solutions, the Brock String and Hart Chart, prism and lenses, holistic techniques, tools for balance, gait and posture and more! These interventions can be used immediately and effectively in your practice to improve outcomes in your young patients. Master these treatment techniques and increase your confidence in your own practice abilities! Register today!


Professional CEU credit approval has been submitted and information will be updated here soon.

More workshops will be added soon! Be sure to follow us on Facebook or email for more information or to request to be added to our mailing list.

Introduction to Feeding Development & Red Flags for the Developmental Therapist

Webinar Available Dates:

April 22, 2022 12pm-2pm (check begins at 11:30am) OR

May 13, 2022 12pm-2pm (check begins at 11:30am)

An introductory feeding course specifically designed for Developmental Therapists. In this course, Developmental Therapists will learn the progression of feeding development from infancy and how to identify red flags related to swallow safety, oral motor dysfunction & sensory food aversions. Developmental Therapists will walk away with the knowledge and resources to identify feeding red flags, make appropriate referrals, and assist in educating families to help their child become a safe and successful eater at home and in their communities. This course is considered introductory and not intended for experienced feeding therapists.


2 EI credits

0.5 – Atypical Development
0.75 – Intervention
0.75 – Typical Development

Early Intervention Training Page

Previous Workshops


Treatment of Motor Issues in Children with Sensory Dysfunction with Liesa Persaud


Decision Making for Lower Extremity Orthotic Management of the Early Intervention Child with Sheri Ireland-Berk PT and Gwen Ansier CO

Play with your food: An Integrative Approach to the Most Difficult Feeding Challenges with Susan Roberts

Functional Strengthening and Fitness Interventions for Children with Developmental Disabilities with Maria Fragala-Pinkham, Maggie O’Neil

Maximizing Motivation for Children ​with Autism with Applied Behavior Analysis & Verbal Behavior Interventions ​with Robert Schramm, BCBA  May 28-29, 2019

Is it Sensory? Or is it Behavior? Assessment and Intervention Tools for OT’s, PT’s and SLP’s with Debra Dickson

Pediatric Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, A Multi-system Approach with Tara Rudolphi

Healthcare Provider CPR Training with Edward C. Atkinson – 2 Year Certification Training

Feeding Therapy: It’s Not Just About Swallowing with: Melanie Potock, MA, CCC-SLP

Motor Issues in Autism with Anne Buckley-Reen

Primitive Reflexes with Janine Wiskind

Self-regulation and Executive Function with Jocelyn Wallach


The AEIOU Systematic Approach to Pediatric Feeding” with Nina Johanson

March 16-1 7, 2018

Vision, Ocular-Motor and Movement Strategies for Integrated Learning with June Smith

Decision Making for Lower Extremity Orthotic Management of the Early Intervention Child with Sheri Ireland-Berk PT and Gwen Ansier CO

Healthcare Provider CPR Training with Edward C. Atkinson

If You Can’t Breathe, You Can’t Function with Trish West-Low August 3rd-5th, 2018

Neuro-Connection for Health Care Providers with Maria Teresa Ferrer, PT, DPT, C/NDT, C/TBI

Pediatric NDT Intensive Handling Techniques: with Gail Ritchie, OTR, C/NDT

Solving Complex Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Problems with Joan Arvedson

A Rose by Any Other Name …Assessing and Testing Auditory-Language Processing Deficits with Dr. Jeanane M. Ferre PhD, CCC-A

Maximizing Motivation for Children ​with Autism with Applied Behavior Analysis & Verbal Behavior Interventions ​with Robert Schramm, BCBA


Therapeutic Evaluation and Treatment of Toe Walking (Pediatric Equinus Gait) from a PT and OT Perspective with Liesa Persaud

Effectively Treat Behavior in Children: Traumatic Brain Injury, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sensory Processing, Cognitive Limitations, PTSD and Other Challenges with John Pagano

Praxis: Evaluation and Treatment of the Clumsy Child with Barbara Connolly

Decision Making for Lower Extremity Orthotic Management of the Early Intervention Child, Sheri Ireland-Berk PT and Gwen Ansier CO

The SOFFI Method: Supporting Oral Feeding in Fragile Infants with Erin Ross

Movement Inhibition Therapy with Maria Teresa Ferrer, DPT, C/NDT, C/TBI

Innovative Vestibular and Visual Solutions for the Sensory Motor Pediatric Therapist

Taping to Improve Alignment, Strength and Function in Children with Jackie Grimenstein

Linking Play and Self-Regulation to Mealtime Success with Susan Roberts

Therapeutic Evaluation and Treatment of Toe Walking (Pediatric Equinus Gait) from a PT and OT Perspective with Liesa Persaud

Early Intervention for Infants and Young Children (0-3): Sensory, Feeding, Behavior with Randy Fedoruk


The Pediatric Brain: Functional Neuroanatomy, The Visual-Vestibular System and Treatment Applications with Janine Wiskind

Building Blocks for Sensory Integration with Sheila M. Frick OTR/L and/or Tracy Bjorling MS, OTR/L

Decision Making for Lower Extremity Orthotic Management of the Early Intervention Child

Sheri Ireland-Berk PT and Gwen Ansier CO

Torticollis and Plagiocephaly: Assessment and Treatment of Infants and Children with Cindy Miles

Building the Brain: A Neurobiological Approach to Assessment and Treatment

Get Ready to Learn: Yoga Therapy in the Classroom with Anne Buckley-Reen

Intervention for Complex Feeding Disorders: Infants and Toddlers with Amy Kageals

Practical Strategies for Treating Complex Pediatric Feeding Disorders: Treating the Whole Child with Mary Tarbell


The Whole Child: The SANE System of Pediatric Assessment and Treatment with Debra Dickson

NDT and MFR for Children with Neurological Disabilities with Barbara Hodge


Is it Sensory? Or is it Behavior? Assessment and Intervention Tools for OT’s, PT’s, and SLP’s

Assessment and Treatment of Children with Oral Motor, Feeding/Swallowing and Respiratory Function Challenges Children with Neuromotor Involvement  Rona Alexander

NDT Treatment of the Baby and Young Child  

The AEIOU Systematic Approach to Pediatric Feeding with Nina Johanson

Intervention for the High Risk Infants and Young Children (0-5) Activities, Routines and Evidence Based Practice


KT1 Fundamental Concepts of the Kinesio Taping Method and KT2 Advanced Concepts and Corrective Techniques of the Kinesio Taping Method 

Effective Ways to Manage Behavior and Increase Functional Outcomes in Autism and Sensory Processing Disorders



Introduction to PROMPT Technique

A Fresh Approach in the Treatment of Torticolis

Functional Strengthening in Children Maggie Oneil and Maria Fragalla-Pinkman

Treating the Child with Hypotonia Barbara Hypes

Movement, Rhythm, and Sequencing: Getting the Beat  Lise Gerard Faulise


Applying Effective Sensory Diets for  Children with SPD Lise Gerard Faulise

ILS: Integrated Listening System

Evaluation and Treatment of the Clumsy Child  Barbara Connolly


Yoga and Pilates for the Special Needs Child by Angelique Micallef-Courts

Picky Eaters vs  Problem Feeders SOS Approach to Feeding Kay Toomey

Takes Two  to Talk