Parent Support Groups

Fox Valley Special Recreation Association – Aurora

FVSRA proudly serves Area 2 covering the Far West suburban Illinois. Special Olympics Illinois has 18 areas throughout the state with each area responsible for providing Special Olympics sports within the communities they serve. For more information, contact Kacie Jankowski at 630-907-1114 or

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Naperville Support Group for Parents of Kids with Asperger’s or HF Autism – Naperville

We are a group for parents/caregivers of children with Asperger’s/High Functioning Autism and related disorders that meets to discuss the joys and challenges of raising our special needs children. Our mission is to enrich the lives of our children through sharing resources, information and camaraderie. 

C.I.T.Y. of Support – Online

C.I.T.Y. of Support which stands for Children In Therapy and You.  Our mission is to create a dynamic community, both online and in person, that supports all families navigating the needs of their child in therapy.  We believe that all families who have children in therapy can benefit from access to a supportive community that empowers them with resources and celebrates their journey, regardless of diagnosis.