Careers at BDI Playhouse Children’s Therapy

“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” – Amy Poehler

Submit your resume to our application form:

Openings available

We are always on the lookout for great applicants for both part and full-time positions in our Orland Park and Naperville/Aurora locations.

Pediatric Physical Therapist

Pediatric Occupational Therapist

Pediatric Speech Language Pathologist

Pediatric Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

Pediatric Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Who are we?

We are a dedicated team of humble but hungry therapists and professionals who bring unique strengths and attributes together to create a culture of cohesion.

We are motivated toward excellence to make our kids, our families, and our therapists better.

We provide an ongoing forum for collaboration, education, and practice of skilled research-based and proven treatments to propel, but not limit us, toward the best possible outcomes for every child and family we encounter.

We are creative but organized, dedicated but strive for a balanced work-life experience, take our work seriously in an atmosphere of play, and most of all; we value and support one another in order to provide quality therapeutic services and resources that can not be found elsewhere.

We are backed by a financially stable company with almost 20 years of successful operational growth and experience.

We are committed and satisfied by the opportunities for growth that allow us to proudly celebrate five and ten year plus anniversaries for our team members quite frequently.

What do we do?

…or what don’t we do?

We aren’t motivated by a “corporate ladder” atmosphere. We value and encourage good leadership and experience but don’t always think you need a title to inspire and activate. We firmly believe that everyone on our team should be encouraged to get fully equipped and motivated to do great work. We want all of us to succeed; from the freshest to the most seasoned. We regularly see magic happen when new creative ideas, up-to-date research, and the wisdom of experience unite because we believe that being a part of each other’s success helps the entire company grow…and we continue to grow…together!

​We don’t watch the clock. Our days fly by. We can’t find enough time in a day to get everything we want done in therapy and that inspires us. We come to work happy and we leave work happy (perhaps a little weary but always impassioned). Of course, we all have a difficult day here or there…but we believe that when you find a job that you love and people that come behind you it’s a long-term, enjoyable journey that can not only enrich but actually change your life.

We work ON what we do – not just AT what we do

We value education, experience, and practice and we allow ourselves and each other time and permission to learn and master our trade.

We not only provide rich resources for continued education; we host many of these courses in our own clinics so that we can learn together, spark connections with others in the therapy community, and invest in making our entire team stronger.

We understand that an employee who reaches his or her peak or plateau can become disengaged and de-motivated so we gather and encourage each other in weekly “huddles” that are grouped by therapeutic specialty, individual interest, or special projects to provide enrichment and tools for growth.

We host “Lunch and Learn” sessions where we invite others, from the experts to the newly inspired, to share their “therapy pearls” in a fun and informal way.

We listen to one another, encourage one another, teach one another, notice one another, and learn from one another.

Our Mission Statement and Core Values

BDI cultivates a passionate and dedicated therapy community to inspire the best in our world by rehabilitating young lives using a whole-child collaborative approach.

Believe in Better

The constant bettering of ourselves is part of the job and we are devoted to our role as catalysts for change. We are fiercely motivated to bring the best to our practice in therapy and behind the scenes. We do this every day… for every kiddo.

It’s Cool to Be Kind

Our families become family. Your success is our success. From the office staff to the therapists, we are here for our clients without fail. We nurture and infuse kindness in everything we do.

We are hungry but humble

We crave education, information, new ideas, great questions and finding answers. We learn from ourselves, our mentors, innovative instructors and our families. We are not afraid to say we don’t know and then go find the answer. Even our most experienced staff members learn something new every day because they are confident in what they know while being humble enough to stay open-minded to receive new or better information.

A fun place is a good place for a good time

We believe work can be and should be a good time. “I love my job” is something we hear… All..The..Time. We work hard to make sure our kids love their job, too! A motivated child works harder and progresses faster. We also recognize that parents deserve to love their job. We support parents so that they can find joy in their home and in their families.

Roll the Ball

Our team is not afraid to implement the newest and most successful techniques, programs and processes to achieve the best results for our kids and their families. We encourage each other to lead the way by taking an idea and moving it to the next level with support from their team. We call it rolling the ball forward. When we find something that works, we build on it and then share those techniques with our community to enhance the lives of kids everywhere.

Celebrate The Strengths – Accept Differences

We recognize that every person has strength. Building on strengths, maximizing opportunities to utilize those strengths with others provides the best outcome for all people. We intentionally choose to accept and appreciate people for who they are and who they can be. Valuing different perspectives and contributions and accepting others for who they are allows us to cheer each other on. We recognize that when a child makes progress, it’s a win for & because of the whole team.

We LOVE our family!

Openings Available

We are seeking Pediatric Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapists for both part time and full time openings with flexible hours. Located in Orland Park and Naperville/Aurora

Submit your resume!